Start Printing at Polka! Press

Polka! Press offers three different levels for getting involved and printing in our studio depending on your experience level, project scope, and long term interest. Our monthly screenprinting workshops give you an opportunity to learn (or relearn!) foundational printmaking skills and get your feet wet and fingers inky. Punch cards allow artists with printmaking expertise a chance to print one-off projects in our space during bimonthly open studio times. Finally, full studio membership grants you 24/7 studio access and other benefits, pending approval of your application by the cooperative.

Polka! Press Membership

Polka! Press members enjoy 24/7 access, unlimited use of collective equipment, and some individual storage space. Members may also offer classes within the Polka! studio, participate in member skill shares, and sell artwork at Polka! events. Polka! Members are expected to come with printmaking skills - screenprinting, letterpress, or etching, - participate in the cooperative through monthly meetings and events, and contribute to rent and upkeep through a monthly $85 fee.

Interested in becoming a member? Send a completed membership application to